1:1 Coaching

I know what you are going through. Does this sound like you?
You are ready to take control of your life and brand.
You are hearing from others and seeing on social media, people who achieve success everyday.
You search Google trying to find the answers and you need a customized strategy to your life and your goals.
If that is you, you are at the right spot. Time for a no-fluff strategist to answer your calling.
Monetize Your Network Program
In this time of resume review automation and online business success, it is a perfect time to build a money-making personal brand. This series of 5 strategy sessions will help you get clear on your brand to attract the exact opportunities you have been dreaming about in your career.
Investing in yourself goes beyond expanding your knowledge. You remember when your mother told you "It doesn't matter what you know, but whom you know?" I'm here to tell you that still rings true.
I started my personal brand after I graduated from high school + college at 16. I built it from nothing and have achieved things I thought I would only do later in my career all by the age of 19.
I want the same for you and I know you do too.
Take a peek inside your investment!
✔ Identify personal goals
✔ Outline brand objectives
✔ Design messaging, ideal client, and mision
Develop Content Platforms
✔ Design key website elements
✔ Establish a long-form content platform
✔ Determine social media focus for microblogging
Content Strategy
✔ Analyze current content
✔ Create content roadmap
✔ Provide strategies to become a thought leader + influencer
Visibility Strategy
✔ Public relations outreach
✔ Garner media attention
✔ How to build a resource-rich network
✔ Package business offers
✔ Attract corporate job positions
✔ Construct a brand legacy

My brand blessed me with a world of opportunities.
✔ Delivered a TEDx Talk that has reached 10K+ views on YouTube
✔ Authored a book at 17
✔ I grew my speaking business so much so that I booked a corporate engagement in 10 months from launching.
✔ Have been offered loads of internships + jobs without applying
✔ Traveled the country for speaking + press