I would like to introduce you to Layla and Mya, Co-Owners of Suga Babes. They are “2 sisters running a sweet business.” The idea stemmed from having a skin outbreak to developing a vegan, all-natural bath and body products line. They offer great products that truly takes care of your skin. Layla and Mya loved using sugar scrubs, bubble baths, and body sprays when they were younger, which sparked their imagination for starting their first business. Their mother, was instantly on board with the idea after they explained the possible business venture. Along with their mother's help, they were able to register the sister’s business name with the state. Layla and Mya have since co-authored a book “The Science Behind It” along with 26 other young entrepreneurs, started by Zandra Cunningham of Zandra Beauty. The book is now available for presale and will be released Fall of 2018, order your book here.
Layla is now a very empowered junior in high school who juggles homework, operating the business, and inspiring girls to build self-confidence with her Youtube Channel "Layla Renee". Mya is an enthusiastic 7th grade cheerleader and passionate leader in several activities including "Young Journey" and other hobbies she loves. Their mother also contributed to Suga Babes by assisting them in opening their first business bank account, helped to design their website, and numerous tasks along their journey to success. Layla and Mya recognized that without their mother's dedicated support they would not be where they are today. The girls claim her to be their biggest cheerleader. They also mentioned that their mother is a large part of who they are today because she is also influential to the success of women-owned businesses through speaking at women empowerment conferences and providing consulting with business owners one on one.
I asked Layla to share her best advice for young entrepreneurs. She responded delightfully with “Go For It!” She added, follow through on the plan that you create because you only live once, YOLO! Mya offered her belief in a quote by Steve Jobs “Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people." Layla and Mya have enormous dreams for their personal success and the success of their growing company. They both plan to expand their business into motivational speaking. I asked each of them their five year plan. Mya intends to broaden the company’s body product lines internationally by way of franchises. Layla will soon major in business for college after she graduates from high school. These two sisters have been spreading their company's success by hosting Mommy & Me Spa Days, Skincare Workshops, and "TranSPAration" Mobile Spa Parties. Suga Babes product's line includes body butters, "Suga Scrubs", lotions bars and lip balms.
Be sure you watch out for Layla and Mya, two amazingly sweet sisters, because this is only the beginning for them and their spectacular vegan bath and body products.